Ett av de mest allsidiga och effektiva jerkbaits som finns på marknaden idag!
Fungerar mycket bra som vanligt side-to-side bete i långsam fart i kallare vatten men har sin allra största styrka vid varmare temperaturer.
Vid efterleksfiske, sommarfiske och tidigt höstfiske finns det nog inget bete som är lika effektivt som Jerko när gäddorna hugger för att döda! Fiska hem den hårt och snabbt i ”turbo-jerk-takt” med långa vevstopp och håll hårt i spöt för när Jerkon väl retat upp en jagande gädda så knakar det hårt i spöt!
Vid snabbt fiske blir gången oregelbunden där side-to-side rörelsen blandas med att betet viker av upp och ner vilket gör gäddorna galna… Helt enkelt ett bete du inte ska vara utan!
Tillverkas också i mycket begränsad upplaga så vänta inte med köpet för länge! Jerko är långsamt sjunkande, 18 cm lång och väger 120 gram.
The JERKO by Monster Lures features a solid plastic body that is 7” long and has Unbelievable Action.
The JERKO has a great side to side gliding action with some erratic movements in its action to really trigger fish. It has proven itself over and over again to produce unbelievable catches of Muskies and Pike wherever they roam.
We have built the JERKO with the best possible components available including Eagle Claw Hooks and Heavy Duty Split Rings. The JERKO is one of the most Guide and Muskie approved Jerkbaits in the WORLD.
NEW to Monster Lures is our line of Monster Leaders designed by Stealth Tackle to make the JERKO run at it’s peak performance.
Fishing the JERKO is very easy, like most of the lures in your tackle box take a few minutes at the beginning JERKO works best by giving it SHORT QUICK snaps of your wrist, a little pause between the the SHORT QUICK snaps allows some slack line and will let the bait glide and dart from side to side.
The JERKO can be worked with a longer pull of the rod it just gives it a little different action, the baits doesn’t glide side to side as much, it just HOOPS a and darts with just a little side to side to trigger fish to eat. Both way catch fish, but remember having eraticness in your lure and retrieve will result in more strikes than just having the bait do the same action the whole retrieve.
One of the most underrated and over looked piece of equipment in making a lures work its best is the leader. Using the write leader will make your lure create the best possible action for that bait, that is why Monster Lures has joined Forces with Stealth Tackle to design MONSTER LEADERS a leader that makes all of our baits work to there best potential.
Size: 7" length Weight: 4.2 oz.