Yriel Craw from Swedish Bite of Bleak is a floating crayfish imitation with an incredible finish. A jig that is extra good to down rig with its floating body that rises seductively from the bottom! As the first Swedish brand to use the material TPE, Bite of Bleak is very happy to present Yriel Craw. TPE is a material that floats in water and gives the baits a cruel presentation for as long as you want. The jig is equipped with an offset notch in the back, which makes it perfect to use with an offset hook if you want to fish where there is a lot of vegetation in the water, but the jig is of course excellent to use with a traditional jig skull or down skull. NOTE! These jigs should not be stored with jigs that are not manufactured in TPE.
Bite of Bleak Yriel Craw 7cm (6-pack) - Watermelon Red
79 kr
99 kr
Yriel Craw från svenska Bite of Bleak är en flytande kräftimitation med otrolig finish. En jigg som är extra bra till ned rig med sin flytande kropp som reser sig förföriskt från botten!
Mer informationArtnr: BOB-00-1787
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